Sunday, January 18, 2009

lick me

i feel weird Monday morning blues maybe
I'm not sure what it is or no
i know exactly what it is i just don't want to acknowledge it
I'm a flirt i don't hide it but i flirt to hide other things
i like attention and like when guys like me
only to distract me from what I'm thinking about
then when i flirt too much to the point where
flirting isn't fun for either side i get depressed
its just weird that i don't really like anyone
i miss having a crush :/
on the other side of my brain
i love married to the mob clothes they are indeed the shit!
i also love their blog its funny and unapologetic
i love girls who say what they want
i think everyone should be a little more uncensored
including me !
so is it bad that im like in lust for obama
i never noticed how hot he is :)
my president is black
nooo my president is hottt

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